Rosewood – Madagascan

Madagascar Rosewood is a very popular wood with both acoustic and electric guitar luthiers (especially the former), as well as furniture craftsmen, despite being a wood that has been difficult to acquire in the US for the bulk of this new millennium. Depending on the specific species, heartwood colors can range anywhere from a pale yellowish-brown to orangish-red to deep burgundy to a chocolate brown, typically highlighted by bold black ink lines and secondary hues. Its straight grains and medium texture generally make for excellent working properties, despite its considerable hardness and density; its cuts, turns and finishes beautifully, with a nice natural luster.
The wood typically has a high natural oil content, which can make gluing challenging.
Listed in CITES Appendix II, and reported as “Vulnerable” to “Near Threatened” (depending on specific species) by the IUCN; part of the Dalbergia -genus worldwide exportation ban.
Why We Love This Wood
There are four distinctly different Dalbergia species which are all commonly called "Madagascar Rosewood." Back in the 1990's, wood poaching on the African island of Madagascar reached epidemic proportions. Logging and exportation of the wood was banned, in response, in 2000, but was lifted in 2012, in the aftermath of major political upheaval in 2009. Madagascar Rosewood's exportation was once again banned in 2015, but between an unwaivering demand for the lumber and continuing poverty throughout the region, the illegal logging trade has continued (despite bans).
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Vital Statistics
Main Color Group | Variegated |
Grain Pattern | Pronounced |
Avg Dry Weight - LB/BF | 4.8 |
Avg Dry Weight - KG/M3 | 935 |
Janka Hardness - LBF | 2550 |
Janka Hardness - N | 11360 |
5/4 Lumber
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